Opportunities abound to hunt for eggs or meet some bunnies this weekend! There are egg hunts and events scheduled all over the Triangle if you are in need of some family-friendly activities. Here is a list of some of the things going on around town:
Friday, March 29th | Clayton Egg Hunt | 10:30 AM
There will be special prizes and over 10,000 eggs hidden throughout Clayton Community Park for children five and under to hunt, and the Easter Bunny will arrive by fire truck before the hunt begins! This is a free event. For more information click here.
Friday, March 29th | Morrisville Egg Hunt | 10:00 AM
The Easter Egg hunt will be held at Cedar Fork District Park at 10:00 AM. Children ages 3-10 will be divided into age groups, with each group having a different “hunting” section. Golden eggs will be hidden in each section, and the lucky hunter will receive a special prize! Click here for more information.
Saturday, March 30th | Crossroads Easter Egg Hunt | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
At Crossroads Plaza kids ages 1-8 will have different “hunt” times throughout the morning, with an all ages hunt being held at noon! The Easter Bunny will be on hand, and there will be plenty of activities including: a moonwalk, a whirly bird ride, a 22-foot slide, facepainting, balloon art, music, games, prizes, and kids’ crafting! Tons of fun to be had at this free event. Visit the Crossroads Plaza website for more information!
Saturday, March 30th | Raleigh Easter Egg Hunt | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Egg Hunts will be held every 30 minutes from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM at the 6th Annual Raleigh Easter celebration at Halifax Mall, directly across from the NC General Assembly downtown. They are open to all children ages 0-12, and will be divided into age groups. There will be inflatable bounce houses, prizes, balloons, and an obstacle course, as well as prize drawings presented by the event’s sponsors! For more information, visit their website here.