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Your LuxuryMovers Team – November Newsletter

November 2014…Happy Turkey Day!!!


On a personal note…


Jennifer had a nice November. Jen’s oldest had a 9th birthday this month so they celebrated by going horseback riding and having a couple friends over to play in the four leaf piles her husband made, ride the zipline and toast smores on an open campfire. Jen, her husband and girls took a quick trip to the beach. While there, they flew a kite for about ten minutes and then decided it was too cold so they spent the rest of the time sitting under a heater and watching movies, it was a nice family weekend. Jen is staying local this year for Thanksgiving and plans on enjoying her Mom’s great home cooking.


Jason had a fun November in Raleigh. His mom got remarried and so he got to spend a great weekend with a lot of family that was in town – congrats Debbie & Max! He has also been working on his latest investment house and putting in some sweat equity when he has time. Jason is finishing up his latest semester at Wake Tech teaching real estate investing and is getting ready for his indoor soccer season to start. He also visited his younger brother for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner since he won’t be able to make it in town for the holiday.


October was an eventful month for Sharon and her family.  Her Mom Norma and Stepfather Jim were in town from Asheville over Halloween weekend and they attended Cary Band Day.  It’s amazing to see all the area High Marching Bands compete! They also celebrated her Mom’s Birthday and had a pre-birthday family celebration for Sam, who turned 16 on November 15th!  Grandma Dottie and Grandpa Vic also came to town from New Jersey to visit the kids and see Sam perform.  They are heading to Asheville for a family Thanksgiving and the annual visit to see the National Ginger Bread House Competition at the Grove Park Inn.


Your LuxuryMovers gave back to…Raising-A-Ruckus Charity, The Wake Co. Salvation Army & Red Cross


Did you know…Your LuxuryMovers Team & HPW Foundation participates every year in a charity to help local families have a Thanksgiving dinner? This year, we are raffling off prizes with all the proceeds going to this charity. Please take a moment and consider buying a raffle ticket for a great cause.


Exciting news…Your LuxuryMovers Team is very excited to introduce their newest team member, Dawn Graham. Dawn will be a sales agent for the team and we are thrilled to have her on board…more to follow!

For their homeowner news, click here.

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